(866) 253-0035

VP Compliance

Ian entered the Financial Services business in 1975 focusing on credit and consumer financing for small business owners. He then developed a practice in Financial Management for business owners and became part of a collaboration of Accountants, Lawyers, and Risk Managers as well as a Management Coach. His success in this area allowed him to pursue Estate and Business Succession planning.

In 1989 Ian, along with Karl Krokosinski, founded Customplan Financial Advisors Inc. expanding the office’s throughout Canada. He was a consultant to the National Office of Equinox Financial Group in the development of the Electronic Sales Platform, including the Financial Needs Analysis and many of its Marketing Concepts.

Ian has written numerous training systems for the industry and has spoken extensively at industry and non-industry venues.

He works with advisors in developing their compliance processes and CRM capabilities.

Ian is licensed in BC, AB, SK, ON, NB, NS, NFLD/LAB and works with clients in all these provinces.

He is also a Registered Deposit broker and a member of Advocis, Independent Financial Brokers, RDBA, and a Life Member of MDRT.